I am fine. I still have a job. I can say that has been touch-and-go recently. The balance in my retirement accounts tells me that I am going to be working somewhere a long time. But, things are good, I have a job!
I have hardly seen cherryboi in more than 6 weeks. At the beginning of October, he headed back to his Congressman's district to work on the campaign. The election was apparently suddenly close. Good news is that the Congressman won re-election. Bad news is that I really really miss him. This is something I have only come to actively recognize the last few weeks. We speak every day, but I miss him. So the saga of cherryboi goes on, more later.
The Cop only left a few hours ago. I got home late on Friday and crashed early. Around 3AM, my phone rings and it is The Cop. "Can I come over after my shift ends?", he asks. "Yeah", I say. "The door will be unlocked.".
I woke up early this AM to a very sensuous massage and blowjob. It was long and easy. He worked my shoulders a while and then sucked me for a few minutes. He moved to another body part and the cycle went on until I blew a big creamy load all over his scruffy face. I fell back asleep and woke up a few hours later to find this perfectly formed man freshly-showered sleeping beside me. I have always been amazed a my luck in finding The Cop. He is all man. He is 100% prime beef. Each part of his body is perfectly formed and defined. For some reason he keeps coming back and he is completely submissive with me. I have learned over time that I can have him anyway I want. It is unsaid, but never resisted. He submits to everything I want to do. This morning we fucked and sucked and fucked some more. Afterwards, I made a small brunch for us to eat and then he left. Damn, I hope he calls again!
I had something really nice happen on the Metro Friday morning. I got on the train at the New York Avenue Station and immediately noticed that K was on the same car. This has been happening again lately. I quickly put my iPod ear buds in and tried to zone. And, I noticed Him. You know how some guys just look incredibly good in their jeans? I noticed Him several weeks ago. On Friday's, he wears jeans that just hang on him perfectly. You can see the definition of his calves and the firmness of his tight bubble butt. It's also impossible to miss his package hanging there. He has caught me looking I know, so yesterday I was more discreet in my glances. So, I rode downtown trying to ignore K and not glare at His crotch. At Gallery Place, the doors opened and He moved closer to me as he moved toward the doors to exit. When he was right beside me, he leaned in and said, "Hello, my name is D" and handed me a card. I am waiting for a return call....
Cock of the Block Contest!
Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus
far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign
19 hours ago
can't wait to hear more on d and the cop! :)
great to hear from you. what happened to K, did I miss a major break up?
AWESOME that you're back. Keep us in touch with your life, even when it doesn't get sexy.
who's d?
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