As I said in a previous post, I really missed cherryboi over the last few weeks. We spoke every day and sometimes more than once, but it's not the same as seeing his pretty face light-up when we are together. He has been back and we spent the last 5 days together before he left again yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with his family. I sent him home to his Mother with an ass full of my cum. I am sure she won't have a clue. cherryboi plays the straight young son very well apparently and the saga goes on.
Blogging is a tough thing. Originally, I started this Blog because I didn't know anyone in DC and was dealing with the abundance of opportunities that seemed to present themselves for connections in this town. For me, DC has been pretty much a sexual smörgåsbord. Almost from day one, there has been a chance to get-off or get laid whenever I was really looking for one. I have even had a lot of chances when I wasn't looking. I have written about some of these and not written about others. Sometimes I have struggled with what to write and what not to write. I have even written about a few things that I regretted writing about later. I look at that as part of sharing. Some of you read this Blog for the sex and the hook-up stories and I know from e-mails that some of you read it becaise you seem to be interested in me and my life too.
So that brings me to what really are two different points that I wanted to make: 1) Some times I am not making updates to this Blog because I am struggling with what to write and what not to write and I am torn about it. Should I just post the hot encounters that I have or should this Blog be a dairy of every time I have sex? I have struggled with this and don't have the answer yet. 2) Feelings? Do I post about what and how I feel or should this Blog just be a chronicle of how and where I shoot my load? I am working my way through these conflicts.
So, here are some feelings. cherryboi has become very important to me. I feel myself headed down a road that I was actively attempting to avoid. It just feels good when we are together. The problems: 1) He is still very closeted. My friends know him and he is part of my life at my place, but I am just a "friend" in his life. He plays straight. This isn't a complaint. It is really a concern. If he isn't totally comfortable in his own skin am I foolish to try to build something with him? 2) I am 40. He is 26. WTF does this beautiful young man want with me?
Happy Thansgiving to all! I am preparing to go to a get-together at my friend "Dan"'s house.
Cock of the Block Contest!
Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus
far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign
7 hours ago