I had a casual evening at home with K Friday evening. We had a bottle of wine and were playing around on the couch in front of the tv. I casually started to peel his clothes off as we messed around. I sensed a little hesitancy, which is out of the ordinary. Usually, I can do what ever I like with him.
When I got to his ass, he got really strange and started to turn away from me. He has the firm, round ass of a soccer player. It makes my mouth water and I frankly wanted to eat a little and fuck him on the couch. In a manner very out of character, he put up a little resistance to being turned over. I was determined and turned him over and made a discovery. He had a quarter-sized burn mark on his lower left butt cheek that was red, nasty-looking and starting to scab over. I immediately turned the lights on and discovered several other similar burn marks in other locations.
Long story short - after some concern and a little bit of ugliness, I discovered that the burn marks are cigarette burns from a recent hookup with a dominant top fuckbuddy that K has recently acquired. It appears that K forgot to require that his fuckbuddy leave no marks and well the rest is pretty obvious.
I immediately had a very bad reaction. I was totally fucking pissed off. I looked K straight in the eye and tossed his words about it being all about me right back at him. It was very obvious that his sexual pleasure was NOT all about me at all. I told K to leave and he was visibly upset and crying as I closed the door on him.
I have thought about this since Friday. I almost didn’t Blog this because I realize I am hurt. I am not hurt because he is fucking someone else. This surprised me, but I can’t be jealous because I am certainly doing my thing. Frankly, K encouraged me to hookup. What hurts me is that obviously what K desires sexually is even more way-out than I was willing to recognize. While I thought we were figuring each other out and he was verbalizing what I wanted to hear…………………… he needed to be dominated and burnt with a cigarette.
Cock of the Block Contest!
Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus
far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign
11 hours ago
Bummer. :( Well, I'll be your new K -- and it'll definitely be all about u with me... :)
you made the boy cry. That's just wrong.
If anything, you're freaking out because he wants something you can't give him.
Don't make the boy cry -- you both are better than that.
what the fuck?! totally shocked...
Hi, love ya blog. This one was a shocker. What I don't get is why did he come over to your place to hang, knowing fully well you were going to take some ass. He coulda just told you he was sick or busy.
That said, I think you should give him a second chance. However, he has to earn your respect. But in the meantime, get that boy to do whatever you need him to do. Laundry, errands, cleaning, etc
If he refuses, kick him out and then call me. LOL.
What a shock! I've always has a soft spot for K. I wish I could help him. What a situation. Don't make him cry. Help him.
Sometimes our deepest desires aren't easily revealed to others. If that is what he wants then it is his business, but obviously he still wants to hang out with you. Maybe he likes that you're not as aggresive as the others and you make him feel like you are making love and not just fucking? Maybe?
i think superman is totally right. i think he cares about you. you don't treat him like the ashtray this other dude literally does. you are connecting hot sex and intimacy for him and i think he gets that. otherwise he wouldnt have been hesitant about showing you his ass. hope you don't give up on him.
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