I started this post a few months ago and did not have the drive to finish it. I have come back to it a few times, but I have never been quite able to finish it. A text message yesterday from the guy I described in this post resulted in another very hot hookup with him this evening, so I dusted this off and finished it to post.............
Some guys just have an outstandingly spectacular ass! We all know this to be true and we all notice those guys.
So, there is such a guy at my gym and I admit I just can't stop looking. I first noticed him in May on a quiet Saturday morning. I was checking blackberry messages and sitting on a bench in front of a row of lockers. He walked up and I didn't pay too much attention. He is a good-looking white guy, in his late 20's or maybe just 30, about 5'9" and just fucking built. There was no cockiness. He was using the locker immediately next to mine. I had hardly noticed him as I put down my blackberry and he turned slightly away from me and dropped his shorts to reveal his outstandingly spectacular ass maybe 12 to 18 inches from my face. My eyes must have popped out of my head. His ass is smooth round meatly and firmly jutts out from his lean and defined frame. A classic "super fucking hot bubble ass". It is perfect! I immediately wanted to grab it and slide in. I was positive that he didn't take notice of me. He seemed totally unaware if not ambivalent.
Long story short, since May there have been regular sightings and I have tried to unobtrusively admire his ass every chance I have gotten. I didn't make a move to do more because I have shitty gaydar and he might have been totally straight. He carries himself with a confidence and lack of awareness that I usually notice in very hot straight guys. Also, I have had so much shit going down lately that I just didn't have the energy to make any more of a move. So, I just kept looking. Sometimes I have been lucky and we have grabbed a locker in the same area and I get a good show. Sometimes I have caught a glimpse as either he or I head back and forth from the showers. There was one evening where I got a reflected view of him toweling off in a mirror. All this time I have been convinced that my looking has been covert and that he hadn't noticed. Wrong!
I went to the gym a several weeks ago (August) late afternoon on a Friday after work. It was a late summer Friday in DC, so the gym was dead. I had no plans for the evening. I'd had a very busy week and this was my first trip to the gym all week. I did a long run on a treadmill for some cardio and a few sets of free weights and headed to the suana to relax. When I left the sauna to head to the showers, the locker room was empty. When I returned to my locker after showering, there he was bare-assed at the locker next to mine. There was no real intent on my part, but I sat down on the bench at the lockers to finish drying off and just admired his outstandingly spectacular ass. Then before I realized what was happening, he glanced over his shoulder looked down at me and smiled. Big shit-eating grin to tell me that I had been caught. "Hi", he said.... and them strutted off bare-assed to the showers. When he got to the shower doorway, he looked back in my direction and flashed another smile.
His performamnce totally threw me off balance and he had to have known that. I was totally caught. I know I was a million shades of red. The whole scene had been so fast that I had no time to recover my composure before he had disappeared into the showers. Looking back, there was probably an unspoken invitation to join him but I have always been awkward at reading situations. I did recover enough to scribble a "call me if you are interested note" on the back of my card before I hit the road. I was really embarrased to have been caught ogling his ass. I wasn't sure if I'd hear from him or whether he just had me pegged as a sad old voyeur. More than a week went by and I had almost put the whole thing out of my mind.
I continued to hit the gym regularly, but there was no sign of the guy with the spectacular ass. Late one Friday afternoon (2 weeks later), I looked at my blackberry to find a text message from a strange number.
Text - Wassup?
I thought for a few minutes and decided it had to be the guy with the spectacular ass. I hadn't passed out my number recently to anyone else. So I texted back.
My Reply Text - Big smile now to hear from you.
Text - Join me for a drink @XXXXXX's?
My Reply Text - Be there in 30 minutes.
XXXXXX's isn't a gay bar or even a meat-market, but it has a nice outdoor area in a very neighborhoody setting. And you can get a great bottle of wine. He and I leisurely shared a great bottle of Malbec.
It was comfortable from the minute I sat down with him. We have a lot in common. We sipped the wine. We nibbled on a tray of assorted appetizers. We talked about everything.... including how flattered he said he was that I found his ass ogle-able. Two hours later as he pour the last of the wine in both of our glasses, he asked if we could go to my place since he has a roommate.
He's not out. He doesn't bottom, but he is the most incredibly submissive cocksucker I have ever enjoyed. We have cuddled many times through the night, since that first bottle of wine.
Oh, and I have tried to have that outstandingly spectacular ass but he seems un-interested in giving it up.
The head is incredible! Him totally nude curled up between my legs in a trance as he runs his tongue over my cock and balls.... I am unable to adequately describe. Sitting next to him sharing beers and hot dogs at a Nats game was the highlight of my summer. Well, maybe the night in bed with him after was the highlight..
And he is still that guy at my gym with the outstandingly spectacular ass! And he allows me to ogle.
Cock of the Block Contest!
Good Sunday morning, guys, I hope your weekend is treating you right thus
far! It's time once again to choose a new Cock of the Block who will reign
17 hours ago
Great that you're back!
awsome...glad to see you posting again.
Hey man, great to see you're posting again. You're a great writer and your posts are always hot.
Gotta say, curious which of your fuck buddies (the Cop, D, etc.) are still standing. Maybe a fuck buddy update as your next post?
Good to see you posting again. I check you blog regularly always hoping to get an update. Thanks!
Your posts are always extremely hot! Hope that you'll update with another post soon! BTW: Whta happenend to the Married Guy? :-)
Insoflo: Taking time-off every now and then is almost... necessary... and vital. Don't you think? You deserved the break. Glad to have you back... and happier.
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