Yes, D looks exactly like the Sean Cody model - Ben, whose pictures I post. D is 29. The guy in the pictures is probably early 20's. It is like fucking someone's younger brother.

It is always raw with D, since that first time. We had the talk. He claims not to be fucking anyone else. I totally believe him. Before I could say anything, he told me he didn't want me to lie to him and he didn't want to know about the other boys I fuck. He then changed the subject. It has never come up again. And, yes I fuck others.
D are just fuckbuds. I don't think he wants more and I am not ready for more. We hang together occasionally. We've done an occasional dinner. We have worked out together. He smoked me big time in the gym. I fuck him 1 or 2 times per week. Sometimes more. It is very comfortable.
Thanks for all the postive feedback. I appreciate it. I can be contacted at insoflo
man im so glad yr posting again, jealous of yr fuckboy D
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