Fast forward to the afternoon of New Year's Eve. D and I exchanged the following text messages:
D: i am so horny. i really wanna get fucked by you.
Me: hey. how are you doing?
D: horny for you, Sir!!! how is my Master?
Me: good here.
Me: mmmm
D: Pleeeeease!!!
Me: when did you have in mind?
D: tonite? any chance you could come by tonite? i can be ready and waiting.....
Me: later tonite could work. no plans for tonite. gonna go home and chill after work.
D: PLEASE COME FUCK ME!!! wanna make plans to chill here? i can entertain you. could do dinner, drinks and dessert......
Me: best offer i've had so far:)
D: Pleeeeease!!! seriously, if you have no plans come chill here?
Me: OK! let me finish and head home. i'll text.
D: OK, Sir! i will be waiting.
So, I went from almost feeling sorry for myself to looking forward to the evening. Fact was that I had turned down several invitations. Being single at a New Year's Eve Party is not the best time when you're in a funk. The fact is that as much as I have tried to ignore and lie to myself about it, I am still tryimg to make sense of what happen between cherryboi and me. I received a disturbingly weird Christmas card from cherryboi. Jolly and almost flip and impossible for me to disciper. Do I respond, do I ignore or is it meant to hurt? I have chosen to ignore because there is nothing about the card to indicate that cherryboi wants more and there is no reason to cause myself more pain. Chilling with D should be fun. At least, I will get laid.
I worked later than I had planned. The Metro was empty and there weren't many people on the street as I walked home. One of the amazing things to me about DC is that it empties of all humanity on any holiday. Everyone seems to go somewhere else. I did a few things at home and then jumped in the shower.
Out of the shower, I text messaged D: Just out of the shower will leave soon.
D: i am waiting, Sir! i am cooking.
Me: i'll bring some wine.
I threw some things in a gym bag and grabbed a bottle of Ch. Montelena on the way out the door. I have been a fan since my trip to Calistoga last June. Before I locked the door, I made a decision. I put down my gym bag and stuff and went back inside. I walked down to the basement and went to the back door. Next to the door was the box with everything cherryboi had left for me on my backstep after our breakup. I opened the back door and carried the box back to the alley and deposited it in my trash can. It was the end of 2009 and time for closure.
As I walked to the Metro, I started feeling that tingle of anticipation in my crotch and had to smile. I didn't have to wait long for a Red Line train to Glenmont to roll into the Station. D's condo is a few Metro Stations north of me on the Red Line. I caught the front door with a couple that held the door for me. D answered the door bare-chested with his chiseled abs exposed wearing thin nylon gym shorts looking like a fucking $Million.

I had hardly dropped my gym bag and D hard barely locked the door before he was on his knees tugging at my zipper and unbuckling my belt and jeans. He devoured my cock. It was intense, hungry and fast. He eagerly licked, sucked and slurped my cock until I was panting and spraying my nut down his throat. "How was that?", he asked. "What do you think?", I responded. "Good! I wanted that out of the way so that we could enjoy the rest of the evening.", he smiled.
After that good start, the evening proceeded with us cooking and chatting. We ate too much and drank too much sprawled on D's over-stuffed couch. We watched The Getaway (1972 film) starring Ali McGraw and Steve McQueen. It is a classic action flick that D had rented from Netflix. It is a good movie and I was surprised by his taste in films. We were relaxed and comfortable together on his couch. I was nice. We counted down 2009 and celebrated the arrival of 2010 with Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest.
Then starting with a long sensual massage and D mouth around my cock and all over my body, we fucked passionately until after 2:00AM. We ended cuddled up in bed chatting about work and growing up and sex.
The next morning after showering, D asked if I would be freaked out if he gave me the only 2 kets to a chain he wanted to lock around his neck. I have the keys. The chain is still around his neck.